
Painter draw picture art Guryanov Anastasia


I Guryanova artist Anastasia. I create original paintings, oil portraits, acrylic in different styles and techniques, drawing to order, painting the walls, I participate in art exhibitions, It shows not only paintings but also in such style as “body art”, BODY PAINTING” (body painting).
Sell ​​their work, and also studied drawing and spend training workshops.
She graduated from Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky, and received higher artistic education, fine, arts and crafts and social work.
Specialty: professional artist Master, interior designer, computer graphics.
After finishing studies, He studied and worked in the private icon workshop.
There received additional craft: Painter – Ikonopisets.
My work started with a free 2014 of the year, where she began to take an active part in art exhibitions and charity, promotions, art festivals, competitions.
To this day I develop in the works.
Now my art painting adorns the walls of the hotel, Cafe, restaurants, the shops, Beauty Salons, offices, interiors of apartments and houses.
And the paintings are in private collections of fans not only in Ukraine, but also Russia, Germany, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Portugal…
all, it seems to me interesting and important in the world Àrt , I share with you on this blog
A R T Gallery |Artist Guryanova Anastasia
As well, I place here my articles on creativity and reviews for drawing. Section Gallery It contains my work. Enjoy watching).
Artist Guryanova Anastasia
body art artist Anastasia Gur'yanova
art body art

Guryanov artist Anastasia picture

Guryanov artist Anastasia pictureGuryanov artist Anastasia picture

“Art Anastasia Gurjanova, very diverse thematically and stylistically, but can be seen in her work are three main areas, at first sight, opposite each other and mutually. A close examination of her paintings you can see the internal unity and complementarity of these directions. The first - a realistic painting. For this area is characterized by detail, drawing. The second direction of impressionism – which appears bright and rich colors, motives and mood paintings. The third direction is surreal - the creation of original art, mystical images and original visual language. Here is a combination of the best presented in a series of her original paintings on the east “metamorphosis” .

Gallery "Tagir"

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Gallery of pictures here paintings gallery - Artist Gur'yanova Anastasia

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artist's exhibition

solo exhibitions

2016 g. - The first solo exhibition of paintings "The Metamorphosis," in the house of the Government Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, g. Kiev, str. Grushevskogo 12/2, 6-second floor.

2017 g. - Solo exhibition of paintings "The idea - Flowers. Word - ovary. Actions - fruit. Caneva. Kanev Museum of Decorative Folk Art

Joint exhibition with artists

2014 g. - "Love - the eternal theme of art" Mr.. Cherkassy

2014g. - "Tail- Art »d. Cherkassy

2015 g. - "Interval -12 'd. Cherkassy

2015 g. - International event "Night of Museums", Cherkasy Art Museum, exhibition of body - art image of the "flow of life"

2015 g. - The charitable action "Big love small heart" Mr.. Cherkassy

2015 g. - The winner of the festival of body - art of Ivan Kupala. Cherkassy. park 30 Victory anniversary.

The image of "Lileya" great clear coat nymph waterlily (lotus). First place in the contest final.

2016 g. - "Interlude 13" Exhibition of Modern Art, 24 Martha 2016 of the year. Cherkassy

2016 g. -"Red," an exhibition of contemporary art, 13 May 2016 g. Cherkassy

2016 g. - International event "Night of Museums", Cherkasy Art Museum.

The exhibition shows body program - art image of the "Amazing Fantasy" based on the story "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. Cherkassy.

2016 g. - Festival of body - art of Ivan Kupala. Cherkassy. park 30 Victory anniversary. The image of "the sun and moon Keeper"

2016 g. - "Art without Borders" launched an art exhibition «SixArt» in Cherkassy at the Youth Palace.

2016 g. - Short film festival "KinoShot" in Cherkasy. Body -ART «Open Film»

2016 g. - The first solo exhibition of paintings "The Metamorphosis," in the house of the Government Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, g. Kiev, str. Grushevskogo 12/2, 6-second floor.

2017 g. - Exhibition "Tail- Art »d. Cherkassy

2017 g. - "Cup kavi.Che" my recital in 'Street General' cafe
SEC Khreshchatyk

2017 g. - International event "Night at the Museum," "Pink Dolphins, angel wing "body - art motifs on original paintings. Cherkassy

2017 g. - Environmental Project “Green Fest” 9-second in the SEC Lubava. Cherkassy. bodi – art image called “This amazing underwater world”

2017 g. - exhibition of paintings ” Dialogues-VIII” g. Cherkassy

2017 g. - Solo exhibition of paintings "The idea - Flowers. Word - ovary. Actions - fruit. Caneva.

2018 g. – 6 April Cherkassy Regional Art Museum exhibition of paintings "Kolori kvіtnya".

2018 g. – 12 April at the Regional Art Museum that Khreshchatyk street 259, Cherkasy city has opened an international exhibition of paintings of contemporary art "Intermission-XV".


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